Morris Jefferson

Artist Bio
Morris Jefferson, is an aspiring Christian troubadore of the gospel, that has sang in the church over the last twenty years; manifesting the blessed gift that God has bestowed upon him. Morris feels that God has commissioned him to expand his ministry unto the world stage... He has recorded two R&B albums previously in his career, and is now is opting only to pursue his gospel roots. His website: todaysgospelmusic.com is his effort and the vehicle to where you can contribute to his fan base ca ...
Upcoming Events
Sun, Mar 28, 2010 7:00 AM
400 west 95 th street Chicago
place of worship
400 west 95 th street Chicago
place of worship
Sun, Mar 21, 2010 6:00 PM
400 West 95th street Chicago
house of worship
400 West 95th street Chicago
house of worship
Sun, Mar 14, 2010 7:00 AM
Trinity United Church of Chris
400 west 95th street Chicago
his place of worship
Trinity United Church of Chris
400 west 95th street Chicago
his place of worship