Copyrights and Getting Your Music on iTunes

Musicians and bands have many important questions to answer to be successful in the musical industry. "How to get my music on iTunes?" "How to protect my music?" "How to ensure that the songs I write belong to me?" Which is why copyrighting your music can be a helpful safeguard. For artists who write their own music, it is important to ensure that it is protected as your property. This will guarantee that your music will belong to you and no other artists will be able to use your music without your permission. Below are the steps to copyrighting your music and then getting it onto iTunes and other popular music retailers.

Protect Your Music

Copyrighting your music is a way to protect your creation. Your music belongs to you, as the writer, singer or musician you have put in the effort and creativity to produce the music. Essentially, something is copyrighted the moment it is generated by the author. Unfortunately for authors and artists, it is difficult to regulate copyrights without the owner registering the work. Copyrights can be easily registered for your music by filing the correct paperwork. The paperwork should be sent to the Library of Congress. Once it is received with the fee, your copyright is immediately effective. Within a few months you will receive a certificate of authentication, verifying the song belongs to you.

Uploading Your Music to iTunes

After you have your music copyrighted and protected, you are probably wondering "how to get my music on iTunes?" What sets SongCast apart is that your music continues to belong to you. We are not a record company, meaning we do not take any portion of the rights to your music when you use our music distribution services. Also you are able to keep 100% of your royalties from each music sale you make. We believe in your success and want to see you benefit by your music sales going up. By becoming a member of SongCast, your music will be uploaded to iTunes and other major music retailers.

Music artists want to protect their songs, from the lyrics to the melodies. After you have answered the question of "How to get my music on iTunes?" It is important to protect your rights to the songs. Copyright your music to protect it and sign up with SongCast to get your music on iTunes.

How Songcast Works

Create a SongCast account then upload your audio files & artwork to our secure servers.

sell music on itunes


SongCast automatically delivers your albums or singles to digital music services:

sell music on amazon   sell music on pandora  sell music on spotify

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sell music on facebook-instagram   sell music on tiktok

See daily stats and earn money when people stream or download your tracks!

So what are you waiting for?

Sign Up Now! Become a SongCast Artist or Label

A Great Choice For Music Distribution

While not the only music distribution service on the internet, SongCast is streamlined and affordable, so artists and labels can easily release their albums and singles to the world's largest online music services. SongCast has worked with everyone including; TikTok, iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal, Facebook/Instagram, SoundCloud, Amazon Music, Pandora, Napster & more, so we know what it takes to distribute your music alongside some of today's most popular artists. What's more, SongCast will ensure that your monthly accounting is timely and accurate, and that you get to keep 100% of all royalties received from the music services.

Instead of burdening you with long term contracts and hidden fees, SongCast makes sure that you can focus entirely on music distribution and get your song on iTunes. While other companies might only be interested in their own success, if you sign up with SongCast, we promise that our services will not only provide you with helpful guidance, but will also allow you to sell your music online knowing that the entire music distribution process is being covered from A to Z.

Don't Wait Any Longer. Sell Your Music Today!

If you have ever wondered how to get your song on iTunes and all other major music distribution services or how to promote your music online, there is no need to continue your search. SongCast makes music distribution easy, with a step-by-step process that any artist can master. Stop hesitating and wondering - setup your account today and start submitting your albums to the world's most popular online music services. Before you know it, you can sell your music online and begin collecting royalties along with thousands of other artists and labels that use SongCast each and every day!