About Bruce Anthony

Bruce Anthony

Bruce was born in Southern California before moving to Texas to finish high school and graduate from the University of North Texas. With Texas as his home base, he has lived and worked throughout the United States and around the world including Hawaii, Caribbean Islands, Pakistan, Russia and Mexico. Being a fan of many different genres of music, Bruce’s music is as unique and different as the many places he has lived and worked with his songs reflecting real life experiences, the places he has traveled and musical heroes. Check out the photo page on the website at www.planetbruce.net to view travel photos as well as photos of him and friends playing at a variety of music venues. These days, most of Bruce’s time is spent working his day job as a consultant and project manager for large commercial construction projects, but occasionally you can still find Bruce playing at an open mike venue or small coffee house close to where he is living and working.

Bruce’s debut CD, Moment By Moment, includes an eclectic mix of original songs that will make a fine addition to any music collection. His smooth vocals and melodic style will lift your spirits and take you back to when listening to music was a pure joy. If you are looking for Bruce and would like to get to know him just a little better, you can find him in his music. Go to the music page of the website, listen to song clips, read the liner notes or check out the lyrics. If you like what you find, you can purchase the entire CD or individual songs by downloading only the songs of you’re choosing. Thanks for listening.

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