About pilichowski

Wojtek Pilichowski
is a bass guitarist, composer and producer. Since 1994 he had
recorded 14 solo albums including three live recordings released also on the
DVD. They were sold in more than 100 000 copies. Beside from his solo
career, Wojtek has always been working with other artists. He recorded over
200 albums sold in more than 6 milion copies. For many years he has been
playing on the most important festivals worldwide, including Bass Player Live,
Euro Bass Day in Italy and many other.
Awarded with numerous awards, including 16 for the best Polish bassplayer.
Nowadays, Wojtek is leading two of his own projects - Pilichowski Band, and
Pilichowski Trio. He is an author of two textbooks and one DVD tutorial
about the bass guitar. He gives workshops and lectures all around the world.
The Electro Step album, released in 2015 is a revolutionary joint of fusion
jazz and electro and in 2016 "Early Tapes" contains unpublished recordings
on CD, from 92 - 94.
Many of his compositions has been covered by musicians from multiple

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